BAL Report Assessment Process

Understanding the BAL Report Assessment Process (level 2 Assessor)

The BAL Report Assessment Process with a Site Plan:

  1. Firstly, Submit a Site Plan: Show your lot and the proposed dwelling, including its dimensions and setback distances to lot boundaries.
  2. Next, Conduct a BAL Assessment: A bushfire assessor evaluates the proposed dwelling location to provide a BAL rating.
  3. Then, Prepare Additional Documentation: If the site is determined to be BAL-40 or BAL-FZ, provide a Bushfire Management Plan or Statement for submission to the Local Government Authority.
  4. Afterwards, Modify Vegetation: After receiving LGA approval, modify the vegetation within the Asset Protection Zone (APZ) as specified by the BMP or BMS.
  5. Finally, Perform Final Inspection and Certification: Inspect the site, including the modified APZ. If deemed BAL-29 or less, issue a new BAL Report and Certificate for Building Permit Approval.

The BAL Report Assessment Process Without a Site Plan:

  1. To start, Provide General Location: Offer a general or preferred location or Building Envelope for the dwelling and structures within the lot, including approximate dimensions if possible.
  2. Then, Issue BAL Contour Map: The bushfire consultant issues a BAL contour map showing the buildable area within the lot at BAL-29 or less (example at the bottom of the page).
  3. Afterwards, Source a Detailed Site Plan: Obtain a site plan that includes the Class 1a dwelling located on the lot, with the dwelling’s dimensions and setback distances to the lot boundaries.
  4. Next, Create BAL Assessment Report/Certificate: Prepare a BAL Assessment Report and Certificate for the lot.
  5. Additionally, Prepare Additional Documentation: If needed, develop a Bushfire Management Plan (BMP) or Bushfire Management Statement (BMS).
  6. Subsequently, Submit to LGA: Submit the BAL Report and BMS/BMP with your application to the Local Government Authority (LGA).
  7. Once approved, Modify Vegetation: After receiving LGA approval, clear or modify vegetation within the Asset Protection Zone (APZ) as required by the BMP or BMS.
  8. Finally, Perform Final Inspection and Certification: Inspect the site, including the modified APZ. If deemed BAL-29 or less, issue a new BAL Report and Certificate for Building Permit Approval.
BAL Contour map - BAL Report Assessment Process

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Other information available at the WA Government Website.